As yesterday's defenders of freedom, we want to welcome today's military service members into our ranks to become part of our elite group. Our common bond is the battlefield, whether it is service in the Persian Gulf, Korea, Kosovo, the war on terrorism, or peacekeeping expeditionary campaigns. Your courage and sacrifice have made a difference in preserving and defending world peace.
Our Mission: To foster camaraderie among United States veterans of overseas conflicts. To serve our veterans, the military, and our communities. To advocate on behalf of all veterans.
Our Vision: Ensure that veterans are respected for their service, always receive their earned entitlements, and are recognized for the sacrifices they and their loved ones have made on behalf of this great country.
Our Values:
Always support our fellow veterans
Always give back to the community
Fostering partnerships within the community and the American Legion
Promote patriotism
Honor military service
Ensure the care of veterans and their families
Serve our communities
Promote a positive image of the VFW
Respect the wide range of veteran opinions
107 N 4th Street
Wathena, KS 66090
(785) 989-3487
Sunday: 12:00-Noon to 02:00 am
Mon - Tues: 5:00 pm to 10:00 pm
Wednesday: Closed
Thur - Fri: 4:00 pm to 02:00 am
Saturday: 12:00-Noon to 02:00 am
(scheduled closing time may vary, depending on patronage)
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